The Enigma Expedition
On January the 12th at 19:00 GMT commanders will set off from Jachson's Lighthouse and then head out to Colonia via 15 waypoints in support of Cmdr DoveEnigma13 who is has been bravely battling cancer for the last 3 years. He would like to go to Colonia while he still can, so we're all going with him.
WP1: Helix Nebula (CSI-21-22270)
WP2: Mammon 1 A (65.33°//15.546°) (IC 1287 Nebula)
WP3: 46 Upsilon Sagittarii (Stray Bird's Nest impact crater, High g warning!)
WP4: Heaven's Lathe (HD 175876)
WP5: Red Spider Nebula (Red Spider Sector UJ-Q b5-0)
WP6: Thor's Eye (Lagoon Nebula)
WP7: Omega Nebula (Omega Sector PD-S b4-0 2 A Camp Baatuta (18.44°//-139.30°) 0.15g)
WP8::Eagle Nebula Eagle's Landing (Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 A 2 A)
WP9: Eudaemon Anchorage (Rohini)
WP10: Dynasty Expedition Conflux Rally Point and abandoned settlements (Pru Aescs HW-S b31-2 CD 1 (-7.3°//-35.92°))
WP11: Skaudai Guardian Sites (Skaudai AM-B d14-138 AB 7 A (-37.81°//10.43°))
WP12: The Crux (Nuekuae AA-A h52)
WP13: Death Spiral (Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230)
WP14: The Venetian Nebula (Boewnst KS-S c20-959 A 2 A, Polo Harbour)
WP15: Kashyapa (Vihara Gate)
WP16: Dove Enigma Megaship (Colonia)